Home > 2004-P Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar Proof and Pouch Set
2004-P Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar Proof and Pouch Set

Product Description
2004-P Lewis & Clark Bicentennial Silver Dollar Proof set with Native American pouch.
This United States Mint commemorative set comes in an attractive presentation box, textured with a map tracing the expedition’s route, and containing an authentic American Indian beaded pouch, with Certificate of Authenticity identifying the artist and tribe, as well as the proof silver dollar with US Mint Certificate of Authenticity.
Last one in stock-was made by April Fox of the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota.
The Lewis and Clark expedition was the first overland expedition undertaken by the United States to the Pacific coast. Commissioned as a scientific and military expedition by Thomas Jefferson to explore what had formerly been territory acquired in The Louisiana Purchase, the expedition departed Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on August 31, 1803, and arrived at the Pacific Ocean in December, 1805.
The obverse design depicts Captains Lewis and Clark on a stream bank planning another day of exploration, and the reverse features two feathers, an image of the original Jefferson Peace Medal presented, surrounded by 17 stars representing the number of states in the Union in 1804.
These proof $1 Dollar silver coin were struck at the Philadelphia Mint and made the same composition and size as the old (pre-1936) Silver Dollars- 90% silver, 10% copper, 38.5mm diameter and containing 0.7734 Troy oz of silver.